Donate to Sex Worker Giving Circle

Your one-time gift or monthly commitment of any amount helps us make rapid response and multi-year, long-term grants.

Make a donation

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​Thank you for supporting Third Wave Fund and intersectional, gender justice organizing across the U.S!

Proteus Fund is the fiscal sponsor of Third Wave Fund. Proteus Fund is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, EIN 04-3243004.

For all general donation questions please email

To transfer cash via wire, or to transfer stocks and securities

Please email our Fundraising team at and we will provide you with the instructions.

​To donate by check, mail to:

Third Wave Fund
228 Park Ave S
PMB 32277
New York, New York
10003-1502 US​

Please make your check out to “Proteus Fund” and indicate “Sex Worker Giving Circle” on the memo line.