Mirror Memoirs is a storytelling and organizing project uplifting the narratives, healing, and leadership of LGBTQI+ people of color who survived child sexual abuse as a strategy to end rape culture and other forms of oppression.

The Mobilize Power Fund (2019) supported the development of a train-the-trainer institute, audio archive, and curriculum by and for trans, gnc, queer, and intersex survivors of color of childhood sexual abuse.

The Own Our Power Fund (2019-2021) provided a two-year grant to expand their leadership model, develop a membership structure and leadership pipeline, and train participants in interviewing and facilitation.

The Mobilize Power Fund sublogo, two solid blue semi-circles interlocking horizontally.
Mobilize Power Fund
The Own Our Power Fund sublogo - a solid purple swirl that turns counterclockwise from the center
Own Our Power Fund
2019 - 2021
The Mobilize Power Fund sublogo, two solid blue semi-circles interlocking horizontally.
Mobilize Power Fund
The Own Our Power Fund sublogo - a solid purple swirl that turns counterclockwise from the center
Own Our Power Fund
2019 - 2021