Mobilize Power Fund
The Mobilize Power Fund is a rapid response fund that resources gender justice organizations to adapt or pivot their work when met with unanticipated, time-sensitive opportunities or threats to their movement building work and organizing conditions.
Apply by written application, video, or phone!
Through the Mobilize Power Fund, we resource time-sensitive projects including community organizing and mobilization, healing justice work, conflict resolution/conflict transformation, community accountability, transformative and restorative justice work, direct action, and more. This fund does not resource general operating support, budget shortfalls, ongoing or regularly planned programming, or recurring events. That being said, Third Wave Fund has other grantmaking programs that provide long-term general operating and capacity building support.

Key Dates
Deadlines are as follows at midnight in your time zone, with the exception of January, April, June, September, November, and December for program break.
We launched the Mobilize Power Fund because powerful movements need the ability to respond to and heal from immediate threats and opportunities with flexible and responsive funding. Mobilize Power Fund’s first iteration was to support organizers against HB2, the transphobic “Bathroom Bill” proposed in North Carolina in 2016.

Application Instructions
Note: Our goal is to make our application process as easy as possible. We use a screen reader-compatible online portal for English applications. If you have feedback on what works well or what doesn’t work well, or need accommodations in order to apply, we'd like to hear from you. Please contact us at or call us at 917-387-1262 x 901.