Gender Justice is Reproductive Justice

Photograph of two Black women standing behind an information table outside under a tent. The table is covered with fliers and pamphlets about birth justice, and a prominent flier at the center says "Southern Birth Justice Network."

As attacks on reproductive justice and trans people escalate, we follow the lead of our grantees who know this fight intimately, and who are not new to the criminalization of bodily autonomy. We follow the lead of Black women, Indigenous women, and women of color, trans, queer and intersex people, low-income people, disabled people, and sex workers who have been mobilizing their communities and sounding the alarms long before the Roe v. Wade was overturned, long before the trans bans, and who will continue to do this work long after. As an unapologetically feminist, trans, and queer fund, we know that any efforts to restrict access to safe, legal, and affordable abortion and other sexual and reproductive healthcare are directly tied to not only patriarchy, but also ableism, classism, racism, and transphobia. 

Powerful resistance takes place when the people most affected have the resources to lead. Our vision is a world where people of all genders have full autonomy over our own bodies and lives, including access to safe, legal, and affordable abortions, reproductive health, and gender-affirming care.

Photo of 2019-2021 Own Our Power Fund grantee Southern Birth Justice Network, Miami, FL.