Transforming Our Relationships with Conflict & Accountability

Conflict is inevitable–so how do we fortify our relationship to it? What approaches to conflict can we take when it shows up in our organizations and communities? What are some ways philanthropy can strengthen its support for organizations leading transformative justice work?
At Third Wave Fund, we have been dreaming alongside some inspiring organizers and leaders in transformative justice organizing to answer these questions and more. We’re joined by Stas, co-founder of Spring Up, bluelight academy of the arts, and member of the Accountable Futures Fund Advisory Council, and Valleria Miranda-Ferrick, Executive Director and founder of Unity Circles to discuss the work they are leading to deprofessionalize transformative justice and make its teachings more accessible to all. We also get a great primer of what Third Wave’s Accountable Futures Fund does to co-conspire in these goals from our Program Officer mai doan.